
  • "We're not on Christian cruise ships. We are on battleships." David Sitton @ Ekballo # 2

    In my previous post, Calvinism, TULIP, missions and prayer to the Lord of the harvest, I shared the first plenary talk from the Ekballo Midwest Conference held April 19-20, 2013, given by Scott Anderson. The second talk at Ekballo Midwest was given by David Sitton, President of To Every Tribe (http:/ (You can read more about Sitton and his wife here and here.) - David Sitton // Propel the Church, Harvest the Nations

    Here's an excerpt from Sitton's talk. . .

    "There are some other important words, like obedience, and responsibility, and obligation. All of these are good words. They have their place as well. But I just feel compelled to focus and to center upon that word privilege. That's the word I want to emphasize. Because God has given us the unspeakable privilege –– oh yeah, it's a responsibility and an obligation. It is that. It is a command. But isn't it, more than anything else a privilege?–– That we get to do this. That we get to go into all of the world with the Gospel. Are you kidding me? We get to do this. We get to go and we get to take territory for the kingdom of God. That's what we get to do, and as we do it, we do it as the army of God. What a privilege! Don't ever forget it! Don't ever take it for granted. It's a privilege."But at the same time, you need to keep this in balance:  we are still in spiritual warfare.  We need a warfare worldview. We need to understand that we are not civilians, Christians. We're not on Christian cruise ships. We are on battleships. And we are going into dangerous territory. Places where Satan has been in control for thousands of years. Do you think he's gonna to let them go easily? Think he's gonna let them go without a fight, without a struggle. He will let them go, but it will through a mighty warfare. And so, we are an army. Everything about us is a picture of being in this army. We are soldiers. We wear armor that soldiers wear. It's spiritual armor.  We fight with spiritual weapons. And we go and win spiritual territory or the Kingdom of God. . . .

    "We're the army of God. We don't fight as the world fights. We don't blow up marathons. [Note:  the Boston Marathon bombing took place earlier that week.] We don't strap bombs on to little children and run them into crowded malls. We don't burn Korans. We don't do any of that physically violent stuff, because people are not our enemies. Muslim are not our enemies. Hindus and Buddhists –– they are not our enemies. We're not after, like some of the Muslim extremists, who go, and their intent is geographical conquest.

    "No, our strategy is different. Our strategy is not killing, but our strategy is dying. That's the warfare of the Spirit. We're not going after geographical strongholds, we're going after spiritual strongholds.

    "These places where Satan - - Here's a name of Satan. Many names in Scripture, here's one of them:  he's called the deceiver of the nations. That's his name. That's who he is, and that's what he does.

    "But we're going into his territory. We're going after him. Hear that language:  that's military language. We're going after him. We're targeting him. We're going after the hearts and the souls of the people for whom Christ dies. We're going after ... lost sheep who are scattered among all of the people groups and languages on the planet. These are the regions, not geographic so much, but spiritual regions.... and we want to win these places for Christ. And we're going after them aggressively. Unapologetically we're going after them.

    "Once again, we don't go as marines with physical strength, but we go as lambs among wolves. And through us, through the Gospel,  Jesus destroys spiritual strongholds. That's how it works. We don't go with strength, we go with weakness. We don't go with killing, we go with dying. Isn't that what Jesus did? He came and He died and He conquered. And now that's what we do."

    * * *

    It's too easy for us to think primarily of missions in terms of those who are sent out. I particularly appreciated the last portion of Sitton's message as he spoke of the need for:
    • Missionary martyrs to go
    • Thousands of intercessory prayer martyrs
    • Thousands of financial martyrs

    In other words, some of us will be called to go, while others will be called to stay –– but as Christians, no matter where we are and no matter what our calling, each and every one of us must remember that we're not civilians, that we are not Christian cruise ships, but rather we are on battleships.

    Or, as John Piper put it, all Christians must be engaged:

    Know this: God's purpose for your life is that you engage in His being known and praised and enjoyed and feared among peoples where He is scarcely, if at all, known at all. He wants you to be engaged.

    You've got three options:







    That's all.


    ~ Source:  John Piper's message based on Psalm 67, "Pursuing the Glory of God in the Gladness in the Nations in God"

    May our God strengthen us to comprehend the width and length and depth and height –– to know the love of Christ which passes all knowledge, that His love might constrain and compel us, so we might no longer live for ourselves, but live for Him who died for us and rose again (to live for Him really is true life, is it not?!), and joyfully respond to our Master's call to be His ambassadors, and to count it a privilege to be engaged in His mission that He be might be known and praised and enjoyed and feared among all the nations. God forbid we bow down to the American dream and gain the whole world, but find our souls languishing and withering as we waste our lives lounging on Christian cruise ships. God be merciful to us sinners, for the sake of Your name! Amen.


    Here's the video which David Sitton mentioned in his talk...

    Photo credit: Work found at / CC BY-SA 3.0.

  • Calvinism & missions? Indeed! Ekballo # 1: TULIP & prayer to the Lord of the harvest

    July 10, 2013 was the 504th anniversary of John Calvin's birth.

    Many Christians are perplexed (understatement!) at how Calvinism / Reformed theology can result in a vibrant engagement in evangelism and missions.

    A brief review... the acronym TULIP is sometimes used as a brief summary of Calvinism/ Reformed theology. I realize there's much more to it than this, but here goes:


    (Please see here for more on TULIP.)

    In April, between bronchitis and a sinus infection, I was privileged to attend the Ekballo Midwest Conference in DeKalb, Illinois. The organization To Every Tribe ( is grounded in Reformed doctrine (see here for more on their vision, mission, distinctives and core values). There are plenty of Christian conferences out there, but this one caught my eye in particular as I noticed that the first conference talk was on prayer. (If you're been reading my blog here, you know that has been something God has laid on my heart over the past few years. (For more about that, please see my posts Naphtali News: the Ministry of the Word & Prayer (the second portion) and Silent Night - Not! ~ "Prayer also will be made for Him continually" ... day and night.)

    The Ekballo Conference was one of the most Christ-centered and God-glorifying gatherings of believers I've ever been a part of; that's why I said I was privileged to be there. The conference name Ekballo is taken from the Greek word for "send out" in Matthew 9:38:

    35  And Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction. 36  When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37  Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; 38  therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”

    1544 ekballo ek-bal'-lo from 1537 and 906; to eject (literally or figuratively):--bring forth, cast (forth, out), drive (out), expel, leave, pluck (pull, take, thrust) out, put forth (out), send away (forth, out) ~ from Strong's Concordance.

    Over the next few days, Lord willing, I'm hoping to post the three plenary talks (audio only available) from the conference:

    Scott Anderson -Friday, April 19 - Ekballo Plenary Session 1
    Ekballo: The Essential Nature of Prayer in the Gospel Mission

    David Sitton - Saturday, April 20 - Ekballo Plenary Session 2
    Ekballo: Propel the Church, Harvest the Nations

    Dalton Thomas - Saturday, April 20 - Ekballo Plenary Session 3
    Ekballo: Martyrdom and the Eternal Purpose of the Church

    If you are a Christian, I ask that you would make the time to listen to all of these messages. I pray God would give each one of us a holy, glorious ambition for lives –– that we might not settle for and waste our lives on shoddy, cheap ambitions. May God conform us into Jesus' image:  transforming our hearts to that of Jesus' compassionate heart, and transforming our desires to His desires; that we might not be lukewarm and lethargic about the great commission, but rather we might press on to take hold of that for which Christ has taken hold of us, not loitering –– but having a single-eyed passion to press on for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus –– that we might be made willing in the day of His power (Psalm 110:3) and present ourselves to Him as holy sacrifices (Romans 12:1-2), ready to be used however and wherever God desires in His mission of taking the Good News of great joy to all the people groups of the world for the sake of His name ... far as the curse is found ... that ALL the earth might be filled with knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea ... that ALL the peoples might praise Him! ... According to Joshua Project, there are currently 7,183 unreached groups, with a total of 2.9 billion souls ... So long as Jesus tarries, still there is room at His table, my brothers and sisters –– room for more souls to come and feast along with us on the Lord Jesus Christ!

    Here's Scott Anderson's plenary talk given Friday night, April 19, 2013:  "Ekballo: The Essential Nature of Prayer in the Gospel Mission". (Anderson is the executive director of Desiring God.) This message will give you a little insight into you how those of us of the Reformed ilk pray for missions. (BTW: Anderson included some of the story of Adoniram and Ann Judson; tomorrow (July 13) is the 200th anniversary of their arriving in Burma.) - Scott Anderson // Ekballo: The Essential Nature of Prayer in the Gospel Mission



    Romans 12:1-2 ~ Ann Hasseltine Judson: a willing sacrifice – Are you?
    200 years ago ... Adoniram & Ann Judson ~ Don't waste YOUR marriage

    John Piper's biographical message on Adoniram Judson, "How Few There Are Who Die So Hard! Suffering and Success in the Life of Adoniram Judson: The Cost of Bringing Christ to Burma" <>. Also available in E-Book format here for free: <

    Scripture quotations are taken from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. Copyright ©2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

  • You are fully free—completely free, free indeed—when... | hear Freedom's declaration

    You Will Know the Truth and the Truth Will Set You Free from Desiring God on Vimeo.



    (Excerpt taken from the printed sermon text found at the link above...)

    My aim in this message is that you would experience Jesus, the sovereign, risen, living Lord of the universe, as the source and content of real freedom in your life.

    For this to happen, we need two things: We need God's liberating truth and we need God's liberating grace. Which means I need to preach God's word, and pray for God's power.

    So let's read the Bible passage that I will speak from, and then I will pray. John 8:30–36:

    As he was saying these things, many believed in him. So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in him, "If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." They answered him, "We are offspring of Abraham and have never been enslaved to anyone. How is it that you say, 'You will become free'?" Jesus answered them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is a slave to sin. The slave does not remain in the house forever; the son remains forever. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

    Lord, open our eyes to your liberating truth—to yourself—and powerfully grant us to be set free from our bondage to sin. In Jesus' name, Amen.

    . . .

    We All Want to Be Free

    I take it for a certainty that everyone in this room wants to be free in the deepest, fullest sense. If the opposite is bondage and slavery, no one here wants that. You may be enslaved to some habits that are very pleasurable, and in that sense love your slavery. But when you step back from the pleasures and consider happiness without that slavery, you would like to be done with bondage. You would like to be happy in freedom, not a slave to pleasant addictions. We all want to be free.

    And in verse 36 of John 8, Jesus says, "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." That is what we are after. "Free indeed." Really free. Freedom in its deepest and fullest meaning. Jesus offers us that this morning. This is Easter. The celebration of the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. He is alive. He is not mere memory. A mere historical figure like Caesar or Shakespeare or John Kennedy. He is back from the dead with a new glorious body. He is alive and reigning as the king of the universe, and he is making this offer of real freedom to all of us today.

    . . .

    What Full Freedom Is

    There are at least four kinds of freedom. And each one adds a crucial dimension of freedom to the last until we get to the full freedom—"free indeed." Let me try to sum up these four kinds of freedom in one definition of full and complete freedom: You are fully free—completely free, free indeed—when you have the desire, the ability, and the opportunity to do what will make you happy in a thousand years. Or we could say, You are fully free when you have the desire, the ability, and the opportunity to do what will leave you no regrets forever.

    • If you don't have the desire to do a thing, you are not fully free to do it. Oh, you may muster the will power to do what you don't want to do, but nobody calls that full freedom. It's not the way we want to live. There is a constraint and pressure on us that we don't want.
    • And if you have the desire to do something, but no ability to do it, you are not free to do it.
    • And if you have the desire and the ability to do something, but no opportunity to do it, you are not free to do it.
    • And if you have the desire to do something, and the ability to do it, and the opportunity to do it, but it destroys you in the end, you are not fully free—not free indeed.

    To be fully free, we must have the desire, the ability, and the opportunity to do what will make us happy forever. No regrets. And only Jesus, the Son of God who died and rose for us, can make that possible. If the Son shall set you free, you shall be free indeed. To be happy forever, our sins must be forgiven and God's wrath removed and Christ must become our supreme Treasure. Only Jesus can do that. In fact, he has already done it. He died for our sins. He absorbed God's wrath. And he rose from the dead and is today therefore supremely precious. And he offers us that now as a free gift.

    By John Piper. ©2013 Desiring God Foundation. Website:

    * * *

    O, leprous soul, hear Freedom's declaration

    originally published July 1, 2011 at

    O, leprous soul, bereft of touch
    If your eyes were opened, anointed from above
    If you had but a glimpse of God's extravagant love

    O, leprous soul, may the Spirit give you ears to hear Freedom's declaration:
    Come to Jesus Christ, the precious cornerstone, the sure foundation!

    O, leprous soul, by the devil deceived
    If you knew the truth, the truth would set you free
    If you would abide in Christ, if you to Christ would cleave

    O, leprous soul, may the Spirit give you ears to hear Freedom's declaration:
    Come to Jesus Christ, the precious cornerstone, the sure foundation!

    O, leprous soul, enslaved by your depravity
    If you knew Jesus Christ came to give life and life abundantly
    If you heard the Lord's pardoning call, "Be unbound, be released!"

    O, leprous soul, may the Spirit give you ears to hear Freedom's declaration:
    Come to Jesus Christ, the precious cornerstone, the sure foundation!

    O, leprous soul, in your time of need
    If you could kneel before Him, if you could plead
    If you knew His pity which doesn't break the bruised reed

    O, leprous soul, may the Spirit give you ears to hear Freedom's declaration:
    Come to Jesus Christ, the precious cornerstone, the sure foundation!

    O, leprous soul, deaf to the call of liberty
    If you knew the Lamb slain for sin and impurity
    If you came to be washed whiter than snow at Calvary

    O, leprous soul, may the Spirit give you ears to hear Freedom's declaration:
    Come to Jesus Christ, the precious cornerstone, the sure foundation!

    O, leprous soul, hungry and athirst
    If you knew the Christ who bore sin's curse
    If you were reconciled to God, in His baptism immersed

    O, leprous soul, may the Spirit give you ears to hear Freedom's declaration:
    Come to Jesus Christ, the precious cornerstone, the sure foundation!

    O, leprous soul, unable to see and savor
    If you knew the year of the Lord's favor
    If you would come to eat and drink of the only Mediator

    O, leprous soul, may the Spirit give you ears to hear Freedom's declaration:
    Come to Jesus Christ, the precious cornerstone, the sure foundation!

    O, leprous soul, sitting in the ash heap
    If you could cry out, "If You will, make me clean!"
    If you could see His beauty, your heart would leap

    O, leprous soul, may the Spirit give you ears to hear Freedom's declaration:
    Come to Jesus Christ, the precious cornerstone, the sure foundation!

    O, leprous soul, look on me
    Chief of sinners, but I obtained mercy
    Truly God's grace abounds to sinners undeserving

    O, leprous soul, may the Spirit give you ears to hear Freedom's declaration:
    Come to Jesus Christ, the precious cornerstone, the sure foundation!

    O, leprous soul, look on me
    A beggar, a worm, poor and needy
    Now satisfied in Christ, Who is rich in mercy

    O, leprous soul, may the Spirit give you ears to hear Freedom's declaration:
    Come to Jesus Christ, the precious cornerstone, the sure foundation!

    O, leprous soul of Galilee
    From earthly founts come no true remedy
    Look to God's Son, Immanuel, born of the virgin Mary

    O, leprous soul, may the Spirit give you ears to hear Freedom's declaration:
    Come to Jesus Christ, the precious cornerstone, the sure foundation!

    O, leprous soul, paralyzed in your infirmity
    O, how many years, how long has it been?
    How long will you loiter – do you really want healing?

    O, leprous soul, may the Spirit give you ears to hear Freedom's declaration:
    Come to Jesus Christ, the precious cornerstone, the sure foundation!

    O, leprous soul, do not fear or doubt
    If you come to Christ, He will not cast you out
    Believe on Him, your sins He will no longer count

    O, leprous soul, may the Spirit give you ears to hear Freedom's declaration:
    Come to Jesus Christ, the precious cornerstone, the sure foundation!

    O, leprous soul, look to the Lord
    Come, bow down, tremble and implore
    The humble and contrite soul He does not ignore

    O, leprous soul, may the Spirit give you ears to hear Freedom's declaration:
    Come to Jesus Christ, the precious cornerstone, the sure foundation!

    O, leprous soul, to Christ now flee
    From sin, guilt and shame be unshackled and set free
    Look and live through Jesus Christ who died for the ungodly

    O, leprous soul, may the Spirit give you ears to hear Freedom's declaration:
    Come to Jesus Christ, the precious cornerstone, the sure foundation!

    O, leprous soul, do not delay
    Repent and turn from your evil way
    Make haste, today is salvation's day

    O, leprous soul, may the Spirit give you ears to hear Freedom's declaration:
    Come to Jesus Christ, the precious cornerstone, the sure foundation!

    O, leprous soul, hear Freedom's declaration
    Believe in your heart, be grafted into God's holy nation
    Wild olive tree, let your mourning be turned to jubilation

    O, leprous soul, may the Spirit give you ears to hear Freedom's declaration:
    Come to Jesus Christ, the precious cornerstone, the sure foundation!

    O, leprous soul, hear Freedom's declaration
    Come to the Father's house, be embraced, hear His elation
    Let the angels and the saints begin the triumphal celebration

    O, leprous soul, may the Spirit give you ears to hear Freedom's declaration:
    Come to Jesus Christ, the precious cornerstone, the sure foundation!

    Mark 1:40  And a leper came to him, imploring him, and kneeling said to him, “If you will, you can make me clean.” 41  Moved with pity, he stretched out his hand and touched him and said to him, “I will; be clean.” 42  And immediately the leprosy left him, and he was made clean.


     Photo credit: Print 4878 in Volume 36 of the Bowyer Bible in Bolton Museum, England. Etching by Jan Luyken; photo by Harry Kossuth; file created by Phillip Medhurst. Date=15.01 | Found at http://commons.wikimedia.or/wiki/File:Bowyer_Bible_etching_by_Jan_Luyken_12_of_12_Jesus_cures_a_leper.gif / Copyleft: This is a free work, you can copy, distribute, and modify it under the terms of the Free Art License

About me...

Christian hedonist in training. Pressing on to know more and more of the joy of the LORD. Pleading with God to rend the heavens and revive and refresh my own soul, as well as His Church, to His praise, honor and glory.

Thank God. He can make men and women in middle life sing again with a joy that has been chastened by a memory of their past failures. ~ Alan Redpath

My other websites

tent of meeting: Prayer for reformation & revival

(See also Zechariah821. Zechariah821 is a mirror site of tent of meeting, found on WordPress)

deerlifetrumpet: Encouragement for those seeking reformation & revival in the Church

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